A pipsqueak of a country, Liechtenstein snuggles between Switzerland and Austria, among mountain ranges that rise steep and rugged above the Rhine. Besides the sheer novelty value of visiting one of the world's tiniest and richest countries, Liechtenstein is pure fairy-tale stuff – a mountain principality governed by an iron-willed monarch, embedded deep in the Alps and crowned by turreted castles.
01 / Attractions
Must-see attractions
A riot of turrets and towers plonked high on a hillside and set against the theatrical backdrop of jagged mountains, Schloss Vaduz is quite the fairy-tale…
This black concrete and basalt cuboid on pedestrianised Städtle hosts temporary exhibitions, revolving around the gallery’s collection of contemporary art…
Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum
This museum provides a fascinating romp through the principality’s past, heritage and natural history, from medieval witch trials to the manufacture of…
Balzers’ most visible icon is this state-owned, hilltop 13th-century castle, open only for concerts. Restored in the 20th century, the castle cuts a…
Since 2008, Liechtenstein's 25-member Parliament has been convening in this somewhat startlingly modern building. Munich-based architect Hansjörg Göritz…
Liechtenstein once made a packet producing souvenir stamps for enthusiasts, but that market has been hit by the rise of email. Here you’ll find all…
High up in Triesenberg, this museum recounts the intriguing story of the Walsers and contains curious carvings out of twisted tree trunks and branches…
In the same building as the Postmuseum (at the opposite end) you'll find this museum with a unique collection of the treasures of Liechtenstein, including…
02 / Articles
Latest stories from Liechtenstein
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